Friday, December 17, 2010

What the NBI can learn from watching CSI TV Shows

This week have been mixed emotions for the people in the Philippines who have supported either the Webbs or the Vizcondes. 

Last Tuesday, Hubert Webb and 6 others were acquitted for the murder of the Vizconde family. I first saw the breaking news in my Twitter account and had to stop for a while. The news actually brought chills in me. 

This murder trial has caused a lot of anguish to all the parties involved. 

Hubert Webb, Antonio “Tony Boy” Lejano, Michael Gatchalian, Miguel Rodriguez, Peter Estrada and Pyke Fernandez were robbed of the chance to chase their dreams. They were just starting to get to know the real world when they have been convicted. 

The families of the accused, most especially the parents, were shattered because instead of seeing their sons climb the corporate ladder or serve the people, they have to endure the visiting hours in prison so they can get a glimpse of them, talk to them and hold them. 

For Mr. Lauro Vizconde who lost his chance to see his daughters earn their degree, get married and have kids. To hold his wife for the longest time and spend the rest of their lives together. 

With the latest development on the case, the accused were freed. Tears were exchanged - some because of bitterness on the way things have turned out and for others, joy because for the first time in 10 years, they will get to spend Christmas and New Year with their family member. 


I feel sorry for Mr. Vizconde because probably as he was picking up the pieces again in his life with the support of his extended family and then someone suddenly breaks the pieced mirror when he learned that the accused are now free men and him? Still without a family. 


According to reports, since the evidence is already tampered and the star witness has gone hiding, chances on retrieving information that could lead to the real killers will be futile. I really hope that the NBI tries to at least get some ideas on how the CSI tv shows do their crime lab investigation. True enough, we do not have the equipment because probably, we do not have the budget but that is no excuse. We should at least try and be at par with investigative equipment that can aid us in solving a crime. 

In Philstar's news report, Vizconde suspects can still be charged in 6 months however once the case reached its 20th year, reopening of the case cannot be done as per the law.  


For Hubert and the rest of the 6 acquitted, I hope that they will be able to return to their normal life or at least adapt to our fast-paced world. 

A lot of things have changed. 

Internet was not a popular commodity during that time and so is the iPad and the rest of the Apple family. 


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